Add a new user

Add a new user

Before a user can be added to a project in a private BIMcollab Nexus space as a team member, they first need to be added to the space as a new user.

By default only space administrators can add new users to the space. However, administrators can give users the right to create new projects and add new users to the space.

Project leaders who have this right, can create new users directly from the 'Add team member' dialog of their project.

The space administrator can add a new user by following the steps below:
  1. Go to the Administration dashboard by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner

  2. Select the 'Users' page
  3. Click on the 'New User' button

  4. Fill in the new user information and click the 'Create' button

    If the user has been part of the space previously, but has been deleted, it is possible they are still located in the list of deleted users. BIMcollab will show the message below to make you aware of this.

    If this is the case, go tho the article Add a user who was previously deleted from the space to learn more.

  5. Set Password
    After a new user has been created they will be notified by email and prompted to set a new password. After setting up their login information the new user will be able to login to the private BIMcollab Nexus space as long the user is active.
After a new user has been created they can be added to a project team from the project page. For more information about adding team members see Add and invite team members in a private space.

A user that is not yet part of the project can request to join the private BIMcollab Nexus space, by clicking on the 'Request to join' tab on the login page of the private space.

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