Communication module

Communication module

The communication module hosts communication across all items on BIMcollab Twin. All communication on the project is collected in this module. Communication on BIMcollab Twin is public and visible for all parties involved who have access to the project. Everyone working on the project has insight into all open questions and tasks.

Types of communication

Within the communication module, there are different types of items that users use to communicate:
  1. Questions can be posted about items that require answers. If a user wants to post a general question, or more specifically raise a question about a specific document or an element in the project, he can raise a question directly about that item. When the responsible party has provided an answer, the sender can indicate whether the response has been approved.
  2. Tasks are an action point given to a specific user. For example, a request can be to complete information or adjust geometry. When the responsible party has completed the action, he can indicate this in the system and the sender can check whether the response can be approved.
  3. Notes can be added to almost any item within BIMcollab Twin. A note represent an additional remark, and no workflow can be linked to it. However, a note can notified about a note though the 'Informed' field.
  4. Notifications are automatically created when you are listed as a Receiver of a new communication item. 
  5. Revisions are used to assign a document (or a set of documents) to be revised and track the process. Once a revision is assigned to a user, the document(s) in the revision are frozen. 

There are also items created by workflows: 
  1. Audit tasks: one or more users are given the task of coordinating a document. An audit task can be completed with or without comments.
  2. Reviews: one or more users are given the task of approving or rejecting a document.

Filtering options

You can filter these communications using some useful options on the left column: The options are My filters (Filter by tasks that are related to you) (1) , Status (2) and Labels (3). 

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