Communication statuses and actions

Communication statuses and actions

Communication items, specifically Questions and Tasks, are items enter a coordination workflow that often has multiple rounds of back and forth communication. The responsible party needs to provide the answer for the status of the item to change, and when the answer is satisfactory, the the sender can approve the answer. Completed communication is no longer editable, but can always be viewed. All actions and changes are tracked in Communications (1).


  1. Open -A new question or action is created with an Open status.
  2. Urgent - When the end date has passed, the status changes to Urgent.
  3. Answered - The communication is given the Answered status when an answer has been given.
  4. Completed - When the sender is approves the answer, they can accept the answer in the Handling window at the bottom of the page.
  5. Canceled - When the sender decides to cancel the raised communication item, the status is updated the Canceled.


  1. Create communication - When a new question or a task is added, the status is open (2).
  2. Edit - The sender can always edit the subject or the message, change the end date or add an attachment using the edit button (3). A message can be canceled by the creator after posting, as long as it has not been already answered. Changes are always tracked and visible in the Questions list.
  3. Reply - The recipient of the message can reply to the question (4). Additionally, an attachment can also be added for further clarification. Not only the recipient, but also employees of the same company may reply. The status will be change to Answered.
  4. Informed - Users can add themselves (5) as informed . The communication item will now be added to the overview in the personal dashboard.
  5. Comments - Any user with access to the project can add a comment (6) on a message, even if the question is not addressed to them. This way, additional information can come from someone not involved in the original communication.
  6. Handle - After the question or action has been answered, the sender still needs to review the answer. When accepted, the status will change to Completed. After a question or action has been completed, it can't be edited anymore.

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