Smart property set for checking NAA.K.T material naming

Smart property set for checking NAA.K.T material naming

The NAA.K.T. material naming is a Dutch coding system to have unambiguous values in a BIM project, and to facilitate collaboration.

We developed a Smart property set with which you can easily extract the different parts of the material names of an IFC model. Open an IFC model in BIMcollab Zoom, import the Smart property set, and see immediately what the name, reference and application in the material names are according to the NAA.K.T. coding.
Visit the BIM Loket website for a more extensive explanation of the NAA.K.T. material naming.

Import the Smart properties

  1. Download the Smart property set
  2. Go to Validation > Smart properties in BIMcollab Zoom
  3. In the menu, choose 'Import' to add the Smart property set

The Smart property set looks as follows:

Making use of the Smart properties

The set is made up of 4 Smart properties:
  1. 0. Materiaalbenaming
    Checks if the Material name is defined for an element, and maps it to the Smart property

  2. 1. Naam
    Checks if a valid Name is found in the Material name, and sets the value of the Smart property to that name

  3. 2. Kenmerk
    Checks if a valid Reference (Kenmerk) is found in the Material name, and sets the value of the Smart property to that reference

  4. 3. Toepassing
    Checks if a valid Application (Toepassing) is found in the Material name, and sets the value of the Smart property to that application
The Smart properties can be found in the tab "NAA.K.T opsplitsing materiaalbenaming" in the Property window of elements for which the Material name is defined.

For more information about where the Smart properties can be used, consult the article Where can Smart Properties be used?
These BIMcollab Zoom Smart properties were created based on NAA.K.T's standard Excel list: “EenduidigeMateriaalbenaming_lijst.xlsm” in August of 2022.
If custom names have been added to this list, they must be added to the Smart property set.


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