Limit assignment of issues in a project

Limit assignment of issues in a project

Projects can consist of a lot of team members. When assigning an issue, this long list of possible assignees does not make choosing the correct person any easier. Some team members only need to be able to assign issues to team members within their own company or sub team.
In order to offer a clearer overview, and a shorter list of possibilities, there are two ways in which you can limit who a team member can assign issues to in a project:
  1. Based on the team members' company
  2. Based on the team members' user groups
Issue assignment limitations are only available in the Premium and Ultimate plans.

Limit assignment based on company

When a user is added to a private BIMcollab Nexus space, they are assigned to a company.
This property can be used to limit a team member to only assign issues to users who are part of the same company.
In order to do so, a Project leader can follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Settings page of the project
  2. Navigate to the Team members tab
  3. Find the team member for who you want to limit issue assignment
  4. Enable the slider 'Subteam (company)'

      5. Or click on the user to have the edit team member window opened that shows all the toggles. 

When the option 'Subteam (company)' is disabled, the user can assign issues to any other assignable team member in the project.

To make sure issues can be assigned across companies, have at least one user in every company who is able to assign issues to everyone. The image below illustrates that within each company one user can assign issues to users from other companies.

Limit assignment based on user groups

In the Project's settings, you can enable the option 'Only allow to assign issues to members of the team member's usergroup(s)'.
When this option is enabled, team members can only assign issues to other team members who are part of the same groups. This workflow is more flexible than the one based on companies, because a team member can be part of multiple groups.

As an example, everyone in a (sub)team within a project can be part of a separate user group in BIMcollab. These groups are illustrated as Subteam 1-3 in the image below. Within every user group, one person should be responsible for communication with the other groups. These responsible persons are the Team leaders in the image below. These team leaders can be dded together to an additional user group, so they can assign issues across the user groups.

The limitation based on company and based on user groups can be used together, when multiple companies are part of the same user group or a company is divided into subteams. These workflows do not exclude each other.

For more information on the issue visibility in combination with user groups, consult the article User groups and issue visibility.
To know how to create user groups, consult the article Define project properties

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