Disable the automatic move for large projects
In large projects, components can be more than 10km away from the IFC global origin or components can be 10km apart from each other. In these cases, however, the models are automatically placed closer to each other based on the first loaded model.
If this is not the desired behavior, the automatic move can be disabled in the settings file:
- If project folder is used: Disable the Project folder in the project by unchecking all folders in the project folder settings, and save the settings
- Close BIMcollab Zoom
- Go to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Kubus\BIMcollab Zoom
- Open settings.xml
- Find the line "force_move_faraway_models", and change 1 to 0

- Save the settings file
- Open BIMcollab Zoom
- Load the models again
- If project folder is used: Connect to the project and setup the Project folder again

This function is available in BIMcollab Zoom 5.3.29 or newer. You can find the most up to date version of BIMcollab Zoom in your
BIMcollab Installer or under
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