Color components and annotate viewpoints in issues

Color components and annotate viewpoints in issues

Add colors and annotations to a new issue

When you want to add colors and annotations to a viewpoint in a new issue, follow these steps
  1. Add colors, measurements and annotations to your 3D view.
    Learn how to add annotations in BIMcollab Zoom in the article Creating annotations.
  2. Choose a perspective which you want to save as a viewpoint.
  3. Create a new issue. The active 3D view will be used as a viewpoint by default.
  4. Enable the option 'Save override colors' to make sure the colors are saved in the viewpoint as well.
    Any annotations that are visible in the 3D view are saved in the viewpoint by default.

In BIMcollab Zoom and the BCF Managers, the option 'save override colors' is off by default. On creation of an issue or viewpoint, make sure the option is enabled.
Both colors and annotations are preserved in the issues when they are synchronized to BIMcollab Nexus. When exporting issues to BCF, only colors will be saved.

Add colors and annotations to an existing issue

When you want to add the colors and annotations to an already existing issue, you can follow these steps:
  1. Zoom to the issue to which you want to add the annotations.
  2. Add the colors, measurements and annotations to your 3D view, if they are not yet present.
  3. Click the button to edit the issue.
  4. Click the button to capture the current 3D view as a viewpoint.
  5. Enable the option 'Save override colors' to make sure the colors are saved in the viewpoint as well.

The new viewpoint will be saved in the issue as a comment. To zoom to the issue with the override colors and annotations, select the comment, and double click the snapshot image.
When double clicking the issue itself to zoom to, the original viewpoint will be used. To change the default viewpoint of the issue to the newly added viewpoint, read the article Change the default viewpoint of an issue.
Annotations created in viewpoints in Solibri are saved as line segments in BCF or BIMcollab and will show in red in BIMcollab Zoom.

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