BIMcollab Twin Feature Overview

BIMcollab Twin Feature Overview

BIMcollab Twin offers model-based document and asset management to store, manage and share building and infrastructure data. A Digital Twin platform to create and work together on data and to easily involve stakeholders.
Explore our latest features below, and be sure to check back for the new releases and updates that are continuously being added.



  1. BIMcollab is a SAAS application.
  2. BIMcollab Twin is a web-based application. It can be used directly in the internet browser without installing any plug-ins. It can be opened on any web browser with at least 5% market share.
  3. The application is accessible 24/7.
  4. The application is available for desktop, tablets and mobile devices.



  1. The BIMcollab license plan is based on one user per license model.
  2. BIMcollab licenses are available without the need to purchase any other software licenses.
  3. Unlimited number of projects is available in all BIMcollab Twin plans.
  4. The minimum number of licenses to purchase is 10.
  5. Free view-only users are available in varying quantities per plan.
  6. Storage capacity per user is 10GB per user in the Essential plan, and unlimited in the Premium and Ultimate plan.


Security in detail

  1. In this article you can find a detailed list of the most frequently requested information by IT departments regarding the security of BIMcollab.


  1. Oauth2 industry standard protocol for authorization is implemented.
  2. Users can enable the use of SSO (Single Sign-on) through Microsoft or Surf Connect.
  3. Two Factor Authentication is available, and can be enforced for all users.

Safety and standards

  1. Attack and penetration tests are conducted annually.
  2. BIMcollab is ISO-27001 certified as of November 2022.

Space Settings

Spatial structure

  1. Documents are linked to the spatial structure of the asset (location, plots, buildings, parts and storeys). This provides beter categorization of documents, and increases their findability.
  2. Create a Location for each asset or object. All related information is stored within this location, or further grouped into projects and project phases.
  3. Locations can be further grouped into Location Groups, either by their geographical location or type and functions.

User structure

  1. User access is controlled through User Roles. With User Roles, Administrators give each user access only to information and functions needed for the work to be performed.
  2. User in their specific User Roles are grouped in Teams. Teams are then added to projects. A single user can be a part of multiple teams and in different roles.
  3. Teams can be assigned to multiple projects and phases.
  4. For each user, a user log is kept of what documents and information have been accessed, uploaded, deleted and modified.


  1. Metadata is a set of data requested upon the upload of documents that make each file distinguishable from the others and this set is called metadata. 
  2. To ensure a level of quality, some metadata fields are mandatory to fill in when uploading documents.
  3. Additional metadata fields can be added through Custom fields.


  1. The application is available in the following languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. The language is set at the Space level by the administrator, but each user can set their preferred language.



  1. Share all documents and files with the project team so that all team members are always working on the same information.
  2. Upload documents in bulk using a drag-and-drop window. Documents can be uploaded along with an Excel Upload List, where the metadata is already populated, eliminating the need to add data manually.
  3. All documents can be downloaded by authorized users. Bulk downloads are also available.

Document types

  1. Confidential documents:  Make certain documents visible only for specific users. Users with the User Role permission to see confidential documents can access them.
  2. Archive: Documents that are not currently relevant can be archived. Documents can be placed in bulk in the archive if necessary. Archived documents can also be reactivated.
  3. Frozen documents: Documents can be frozen. In the frozen state, details of the document can no longer be modified, and no new versions can be uploaded. 
  4. Placeholders: Determine in advance which documents need to be created, and create Placeholders for future documents that need to be uploaded.

Filtering and searching

  1. Search documents using a specific term in the search bar.
  2. Filter documents per their metadata information to quickly access the relevant documents.
  3. With Saved Filters you save the filter settings as a personal or shared filers. This way, you and your team can quickly find relevant documents with pre-saved filters.
  4. Adjustable columns help determine the order of metadata columns and which are visible and which are not. Save these along with the filters.
  5. You can group documents with Smart Folders. Smart folders are based on metadata so one document can be present in different folders, meaning you only need to upload and manage the document once.


  1. Documents can be previewed online, in the following file formats: PDF, DWG, IFC, JPG and PNG.
  2. DWG Viewer: Twin has a viewer to view DWG files. Xref files are automatically loaded and also displayed in the viewer.
  3. It is possible to generate PDF files directly from the DWG viewer.

File formats

  1. There is no restriction on file formats that can be uploaded to Twin. ????? 

Version Control

  1. With Twin it is easy to ensure that you are work with the latest version of a document. When uploading a document, Twin automatically registers when a new version is uploaded. Previous versions are always available for reference if needed.


  1. Linking Documents: By creating a link, relationships can be established between documents. When downfolding, there is a choice to download related documents as well.
  2. Linking to 3D objects: In the BIM viewer, documents can be linked to 3D objects.

Documents General

  1. All metadata can be exported in an Excel file.  You can also generate an Excel list based on the downloadable documents.
  2. Reports: An overview lists of documents can be exported to Excel.
  3. Document number verification: Document numbers can be checked against a preset syntax. Documents that do not comply cannot be uploaded.
  4. Automatic document numbering: Generate document numbers based on metadata captured online.
  5. Control by QR code: PDF documents can be provided with a QR code. Reading the QR code indicates whether you are working with the correct version of the document.
  6. Activity log: For a document, all actions and changes are recorded so that it is possible to trace exactly what happened to the document.

Document Sets


  1. Bundle documents with Document Sets.
  2. Create document sets based on the latest document version. Reduce administrative overhead by creating document sets based on a document version and tracking which document version was used for permit or bid requests.
  3. Add a QR code to the documents sets that can be read on site. For example, the QR code can be used in the field to retrieve all the documentation for an electrical panel or air handling unit.
  4. Easily download all of the documents in a set at once.


Checking Documents

  1. Workflows are designed to translate the various processes within a project into an automatic workflow
  2. A set workflow starts when a new document is posted that meets the predefined requirements based on document metadata.
  3. The workflows can schedule checking steps, including an Audit Round and a Review
  4. Add notifications to any step of he workflow. The notification is sent by e-mail to one or multiple recipients, and it is also stored in the user's personal dashboard. 
  5. Workflows can be set up to have multiple required team members or departments review the document at the same time, or to schedule who needs to review the document and when.
  6. Control the schedule and progress of the review by setting a deadline for each step.

Stamp and QR code

  1. A digital stamp can be placed for each step of the workflow.
  2. A stamp can contain a QR code. A QR code can be placed as part of the stamp for approval. Or a QR code in the stamp can be used to verify that this version of the document is the current version.



  1. Communication on BIMcollab Twin is public and visible for all parties involved who have access to the project. Everyone working on the project has insight into all open questions and tasks.
  2. A question, note or a task item can be created in two places in BIMcollab Twin.
            A. General communication is created in the Communication module of the relevant project.
            B. Item specific communication can also be added and attached to a specific document or element.

Types of Communication

  1. Questions can be posted about items that require answers. When the responsible party has provided an answer, the sender can indicate whether the response has been approved.
  2. Tasks are an action point given to a specific user. For example, a request can be to complete information or adjust geometry. When the responsible party has completed the action, he can indicate this in the system and the sender can check whether the response can be approved.
  3. Notes can be added to almost any item within BIMcollab Twin. A note represent an additional remark, and no workflow can be linked to it. However, a note can notified about a note though the 'Informed' field.
  4. Notifications are automatically created when you are listed as a Receiver of a new communication item. 
  5. Revisions are used to assign a document (or a set of documents) to be revised and track the process. Once a revision is assigned to a user, the document(s) in the revision are frozen. 

Communication Status

  1. Communication items, specifically Questions and Tasks, are items enter a coordination workflow that often has multiple rounds of back and forth communication. Below are the statuses they can have in this process:
            Urgent - When the end date has passed, the status changes to Urgent.
            Answered - The communication is given the Answered status when an answer has been given.
            Completed - When the sender is approves the answer, they can accept the answer in the Handling window at the bottom of the page.
            Canceled - When the sender decides to cancel the raised communication item, the status is updated the Canceled.

Annotations and attachments

  1. Though communication items, you can add additional annotations to PDF files.
  2. To further clarify items, attachments can be added to the communication.

Overview, filter and export

  1. The project dashboard page provides a clear overview of all open items that you and your team are responsible for.
  2. Communication items can be easily filtered by communication item type, status, responsibility, as well as Labels.
  3. Communication items are created in specific levels of the spatial and project structure. As such, a list of all items per specific location, project or project phase can be created, for an easy insight into your projects.
  4. All communication can be exported to an Excel file.
  5. An audit trail is maintained of all changes to communication items so that the history of the communication can be tracked.

Model Webviewer


  1. BIMcollab Model WebViewer currently supports the following file types: IFC models (.IFC, .IFCZIP).
  2. Multiple IFC files can be loaded and viewed at the same time.
  3. You can hide/unhide individual models, as well as specific object categories.
  4. Individual models and specific objects can be isolated.
  5. Documents can be linked to specific objects in the model.
  6. Models can be grouped and categorized by using Model Tags.


  1. There are two options that can be used in BIMcollab WebViewer to create measurements: Laser Measurement and Point to point measurement.
  2. You can create model cross sections using the section box and section plane features.
  3. Navigation bar offers a detailed insight into the constituent components of the models through the "Objects" section.
  4. The property panel provides a list of relevant non-graphical properties such as summary, location and IFC property sets.



  1. In this article you can find a human-friendly quick start description of the BIMcollab Twin Public API.
  2. Here you can read more about the BIMcollab Developer SDK.



  1. Support via email, video calls and live chat(regular business hours in the CET time zone) is available.
  2. Access to BIMcollab Help Center with FAQs and useful tutorials and guide articles.
  3. Free trainings and courses through the BIMcollab Academy.

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