Access token endpoint –
Refresh token endpoint –
All requests except one (listing the available domain accounts for a user) require a DomainAccountId. A domain account is a corporate account and it holds all data for a certain company or a very big project. Before you can send a API request you will first have to provide a menu to allow the user to select a domain account. We suggest saving the selected domain account, because many users only use one domain account for a long time. In the actual request the domain account can be selected as follows:{domainAccountId}/. The following action returns the available domain accounts for the user:
Many API requests also require a ProjectPhaseId, because data within an account is organised in a structure of locations, projects and project-phases. So for most applications the next step after authentication and and selecting a domain account will be to show a project selection menu, so the user can select a domain account and a project-phase. The following action returns the BIMcollab Twin project structure for a domain account:
BIMcollab Twin also provides a spatial structure to organise data within a project phase. Especially when requesting BIM data it is advised to allow the user to select a specific storey by creating a spatial selection menu. Note: the spatial structure entities (SpatialStructureElement) does not contain actual BIM data, for more information see “BIM data”. The following action returns the BIMcollab Twin spatial structure for a project phase:
API GET actions where the response is expected to hold a large amount of objects are paginated. Pagination is controlled by sending a limit (maximum number of objects) and an offset (number of objects to skip) in the querystring of your request. The maximum value of limit depends on the action and can be found in the Swagger documentation. Pagination meta-data also be found in the headers of the response: Pagination-Limit, Pagination-Offset, Pagination-Result.