Allow or limit team members to upload and modify files in the WebViewer

Allow or limit team members to upload and modify files in the WebViewer

You can allow or limit team members to upload and modify files in the WebViewer by clicking on a team member and enabling the designated toggle. 

Go to the settings of your project (1) , select the Team members tab (2)  and click on a team member (3) . You would see the window below and find the relevant toggle: 

The 'Allowed to upload and modify files in the WebViewer' toggle determine whether a team member is able to add models and model tags to the BIMcollab Model WebViewer. This toggle is always off for Viewer and Reviewer roles while it is modifiable for Project leader and Editor roles. To read more about roles consult this article: Roles within the BIMcollab environment

To know how to upload your models to a project in Nexus, consult the article Quick Start Guide BIMcollab Model WebViewer.

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