Create stamps
In BIMcollab Twin, stamps can be added to PDF documents through a scheduled step in a workflow where they can represent various information. It is only possible to add stamps to documents in PDF format. If any other document type triggers the ...
View active workflows as a user
In BIMcollab Twin, the use of Workflows allows for automated project approval processes for your documents. This means that space administrators can transform various tasks (and the outcome of those tasks) into an automated sequences of events. ...
Review Tasks
Review tasks resemble audit tasks in many ways. They to are scheduled by a Workflow process. Difference is that several people can be assigned to performing the review, but who ever does it first will close the task. While a document can have many ...
Audit tasks
Audit tasks are part of an audit round scheduled by a Workflow process. An audit round applies to a specific document version and can contain several audit tasks. An audit task can be assigned to multiple users, but one user will be assigned as the ...
Workflows in BIMcollab Twin
Workflows are designed to translate the various document coordination processes within a project into an automatic sequence of tasks. They can be added at either location, project or project phase level by the space administrator who is also ...