Solibri BCF Live Connector tips and troubleshooting
Save link between Live issue and presentation/checking result Save the Solibri project after issues from presentations or checking results are imported into the BCF Live Connector and synchronized with BIMcollab. Only when the project is saved will ...
Projects are available again in Solibri BCF live connector (9.12)
It is possible again to select a BIMcollab project in the Solibri 9.12 and continue synchronizing BIMcollab issues. For a few days, around February 15th till 20th, projects could not be selected when connecting to a BIMcollab Space in the BCF Live ...
Add an additional viewpoint to an issue in Solibri
In Solibri it is possible to add multiple viewpoints to an issue. By default, only the main issue viewpoint is transferred to the issue in BIMcollab. To make sure all viewpoints are saved in BIMcollab, add a comment to each additional viewpoint in ...
Should I use Solibri or BIMcollab Nexus to import issues from BCF or CSV?
If you want to import issues from a BCF or CSV file then it is always recommended to import the issues into BIMcollab first and then import the new issues via the BCF connector into Solibri. This workflow will ensure that all names, responsibilities ...
How to combine BIMcollab Zoom and Solibri in a project
Construction projects are always a complex endeavor, and project teams often use a multitude of softwares. In this article we will show a workflow where both BIMcollab Zoom and Solibri are being used within the same team. To manage IFC models and ...
Why don’t I see selected/colored components in other BIM tools?
Both colored and selected components in Solibri are stored by BIMcollab Nexus. However in Solibri it may not always be clear when a component is colored or selected. In Solibri, there are multiple ways to add components to a viewpoint. Components ...
Why was my issue data overwritten by Solibri?
This workflow only applies to Solibri 9.10 and earlier versions. From Solibri 9.12 onward, issues are synchronized automatically through the BCF Live Connector. When exporting changes to BIMcollab Nexus, the BCF Connector compares the versions of the ...
Why is issue-status in Solibri changed after synchronization to BIMcollab?
There are only 3 status types possible in BIMcollab and our BCF Managers: Active, Resolved and Closed. As a default Solibri uses: Open, Assigned, Resolved and Closed but users can add any status they want. We are not in favor of that approach because ...
Why do I still see old team member names in Solibri?
This can only occur in Solibri 9.10 and earlier versions. From Solibri 9.12 onward, the BCF Live Connector allows users only to select server-supported values. When you choose to export new or changed issues to BIMcollab, the user names will be ...
Why are viewpoint components missing after an import?
When issues are imported, Solibri builds a new viewpoint internally. Any components referred to from the viewpoint which are not present in the currently loaded models will be discarded, and will not be visible in the viewpoint. This can be the case ...
Why does the issue numbering in Solibri differ from BIMcollab Nexus's?
Issue numbering in versions prior to Solibri can differ from those synced from BIMcollab Nexus. In this version a new connection option has been added that correctly synchronizes the index numbering from BIMcollab Nexus to Solibri. Change ...
Why are all modifications on my name after publishing a Solibri presentation?
The built in BCF Connector in Solibri will assume that any issues found in your presentation which are not found in BIMcollab Nexus are new and will therefore create a new issue in the space under your name, since you are logged into BIMcollab. To ...
How to deal with issues found in Solibri
Optimal workflow between Solibri and BIMcollab Nexus You have been using Solibri Office to evaluate your BIM models and create issues. Let us guide you through the process step by step and demonstrate the optimal workflow. Follow the following steps ...
Connect to BIMcollab Nexus from Solibri
Solibri is a very powerful and flexible BIM tool. Connected to BIMcollab Nexus it becomes part of an equally powerful Issue management ecosystem. Version 9.12 - The BCF Live connector The BCF Live connector is introduced in Solibri 9.12. Configure ...
Setup new team members for use in Solibri
New users cannot be added from Solibri. Any new users must be added to BIMcollab Nexus first by your administrator and then added as team member to the project by a project leader.
Speed up importing and exporting issues in Solibri
This workflow only applies to Solibri 9.10 and earlier versions. From Solibri 9.12 onward, issues are synchronized automatically through the BCF Live Connector. The latest BCF Connector has been optimized to synchronize issues between Solibri and ...
Publish a Solibri presentation to BIMcollab Nexus
This workflow only applies to Solibri 9.10 and earlier versions. From Solibri 9.12 onwards, issues are synchronized through the BCF Live Connector. BCF Live does not support presentations, however it is possible to import issues from presentations ...