What added features does BIMcollab Zoom offer on top of IFC model viewing?

What added features does BIMcollab Zoom offer on top of IFC model viewing?

BIMcollab Zoom offers a lot more than IFC viewing in the free mode and the licensed mode, including the following:

Free Mode

For BIMcollab Zoom, you can only download one software. Afterwards you always start BIMcollab Zoom in the Free mode. 

Model viewing

  1. Fast loading of IFC files, IFC4 support, Pointclouds E57
  2. Create a federated model from multiple IFC files and save as a shareable project file (.bcp)
  3. Browse through BIM data of IFC models
  4. Clipping planes/box, auto-floorplan
  5. Measuring, property stamps, annotations
  6. Open external documents linked in IFC files
  7. Load the files from a shared project folder in BIMcollab Zoom
  8. Loading files from BIMcollab model WebViewer

Issue management

  1. Create project issues (not from clash rules) and create BCF exports
  2. Share issues to BIMcollab Nexus
  3. Edit and comment on BIM issues
  4. Connect with BIMcollab Nexus issue management

Model checking

        Smart  Views 
  1. Create basic and advanced Smart Views for visual model validation of IFC model only in the local folder 
  2. Fast visual checking by showing, filtering, hiding, and coloring different elements according to their properties
  3. Auto colour classification of IFC elements based on their properties such as type, fire rating, etc

With a Zoom license: Extra unlocked features

Retrieve your Zoom license to access these extra features below. 

Model viewing

  1. Set up a Project folder to link shared files to a project

Model checking

       Smart  Views 
  • Create and share clash rules using either a local or shared folder
  • Run geometry clash checks within one or multiple IFC models
  • Check your model against an IDM (Information Delivery Manual) using Smart Views and create issues from the results
  • Check your model against an IDS (Information Delivery Specification) and create issues from the results
  • Explore different ways to visualize the clashing elements
  • Organise conflict results by grouping clashes either by element type, storey level, grid, etc
     Smart Issues
  • Batch generation of issues from clashes
  • Automatic update of issues according to their latest status
  • Manage the status of conflicts with Smart Issues
  • Monitor the progress of Smart Issues in BIMcollab Nexus

Model Data

  • Extract information from IFC models using Lists
  • Quantity listing and property counting
  • Employ the power of Smart properties combined with Lists to maximize the data extraction potential
  • Share Lists and their results online with all project team members (possible after connecting to BIMcollab Nexus)
  • Summarize large data sets and visualize the relationships between components using a Pivot grid in Lists

  1. Share smart properties among the team. 
  2. Structure and re-organize BIM data in your IFC models
  3. Create custom classification systems for your IFC elements, such as the NL-SfB codering

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