Upgrade your subscription

Upgrade your subscription

The administrator of a space can upgrade the space at any time via the subscription dashboard in the space itself.
  1. Go to the Subscription dashboard by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner

    If you do not see the gear icon, you do not have administrative rights in the space.
  2. Go to the Subscription tab, and change the subscription here. 

  3. Under 'Your new subscription' select the new Plan, the new amount of users and the new amount of Zoom licenses
  4. Click 'Next'
    If you are unable to make changes to the 'Your new contract' section, please contact us at support@bimcollab.com
  5. On the next page you can either choose to update your contract immediately by clicking 'Place order' or first get a quote to review before agreeing to the new price

Once you agreed to the update, the new number of users and Zoom licenses are immediately available.
When upgrading, the new price will always be calculated from the first day of the next month, whether you have chosen a monthly or yearly payment term.
With a monthly payment, your next invoice will be the new price.
Let's say you decide to upgrade on March 15th. You will enjoy the upgraded features for free until March 31st.
On your next invoice for the period of April 1st until April 31st, the new price will be charged.
With a yearly payment, you will receive an upgrade invoice, on which the remaining months until your renewal date are calculated and will charge only the additional users and licenses for that period.
Let's say you decide to upgrade on March 15th, and your renewal date is July 1st. You will enjoy the upgraded features for free until March 31st.
You will receive an additional invoice for April 1st until July 1st, which charges the difference between your original and new subscription fee for these months .
On your next invoice for the next year, the new price will be charged.

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