Unassigned issues

Unassigned issues

As project teams become more complex, it is not always known who an issue should be assigned to. In some workflows, it might be required that team members take responsibility for issues themselves.
In BIMcollab, issues no longer need to be assigned from the moment they are created. They can be assigned later, or can be taken on by team members themselves.

When creating an issue for which no assignment should be set yet, choose the option ‘Unassigned’ in the field ‘Assigned to’, and add all other fields like Labels, Type etc. so the issues can be easily filtered later on.

When a project has a project owner, an issue will be automatically assigned to the project owner. If the area that has been set for an issue has an area owner, the issue will be assigned to the area owner. The area owner has precedence over the project owner. If any of these are present, the option ‘unassigned’ has to be chosen consciously, and it can help to avoid accidentally unassigned issues.

To view unassigned issues in your project on BIMcollab Nexus, you can use the issue filter.
A workflow can be setup where team members pick up issues themselves to solve. They can filter on unassigned issues, as well as their own discipline or other agreed parameters, to see which issues still need to be handled. Team members can then pick issues from the filtered list and assign them to themselves. This results in a more flexible workflow, where team members take responsibility for actions in the project.
Make sure team members that should be able to assign issues to themselves have an Editor role in the project. Reviewers and viewers cannot edit issues.

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