The status of a conflict

The status of a conflict

The status of a conflict (Clash detection and property validation) in BIMcollab Zoom is indicated by the color of the conflict in the 3D window.

Conflict status in the results

In an online workflow in BIMcollab Zoom, a conflict can have three statuses in the results.
These statuses are indicated with the following symbols:
  1. Unhandled. No choice has been made to report or ignore the conflict
  2. Reported. The conflict has been reported to an issue.
    Next to the icon, the number of the issue to which the conflict is linked is shown, and the conflict name is greyed out
  3. Ignored. The conflict has been ignored. The conflict name is greyed out
In the 3D window, the statuses are visualized by means of the color of the conflict in schematic mode.
  1. Red: Conflict is unhandled
  2. Orange: Conflict has been reported
  3. Grey: Conflict has been ignored

A conflict can only have one active status. The statuses can be changed by 3 actions
  1. Report: Change status from Unhandled or Ignored to Reported. An issue is created from the conflict or conflict group
  2. Ignore: Change status from Unhandled to Ignored
  3. Mark as new: Change status from Reported or Ignored to Unhandled
    When marking a previously reported conflict as new, the link to the issue will be lost
For more information about reporting conflicts in BIMcollab Zoom, read Create Smart issues by reporting conflict results

Conflict status in an issue

In BIMcollab Zoom

When zooming to (opening) an issue which contains reported conflicts, the 3D window will also give feedback on the status of the conflict by means of the visible color. After the conflict results are reported as issues all the conflicts remain as orange. This color can change to green or purple depending on the next model iterations that get uploaded to BIMcollab Zoom. If in the new version of the model the conflict is resolved, the colour would be green and if an element is missing, the colour would be purple. These smart issues themselves know what the status of a conflict is, it is not necessary to first re-run the clash detection or property validation. These are the colors that indicate if the conflict is still active or not: 
  1. Orange: Conflict is still present
  2. Green: Conflict has been resolved
  3. Purple: One or some of the conflicting elements are missing, cannot determine whether conflict is still present or not
In the clash detection result/issue, the identified clashes are visually represented by applying the specified colors to the overlapping areas. In contrast, in a property validation (IDS check) result/issue, the entire element is highlighted using these indicative colors.

Smart issues created from clash detection results: 

Smart issues created from property validation (IDS check) results: 

To save the most recent status of the conflict in the issues, update the issues

In BIMcollab Nexus

You can follow the progress of reported conflicts in BIMcollab Nexus as well.
Smart issues which contain conflicts, will contain an overview of all clashes or property validation (IDS check) results in the issue and their status. This list, as well as the issue's viewpoint, will reflect the status of the issue so you also can review issues directly from the project in your space.

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