The property table is a simple table with rows and columns. Each row represents a component or group of components, and every column indicates one of the selected properties.
After creation the following features are available for the table:
Clicking on one of the cells in the list will show all components of the selected row in the 3D view
Edit the order of the columns by dragging and dropping them in the List results panel
Merge uniform rows On/Off
By enabling 'Merge uniform rows', all rows with identical text values in the columns, will be combined into one row along with a quantity column added that displays how many occurrences there are. This is enabled by default.
- Sorting the data
The data can be further sorted by selecting the dropdown
icon next to the column headers. Here there are a number of options:
1. Filter
Click on the filter option in the dropdown menu to apply a filter on the property results. Here you can select a condition and then enter the value you are interested in.
The available conditional options can vary, depending on the nature of the selected column:
-Text-based values can be determined by using Starts With, Ends With, Contains, Equal or Not Equal.
-Numeric values can be determined by using Equal, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal or Not Equal.
2. Display
When properties in a column are of numerical value, the Display option is available which allows you to choose which aspect of the range of data is to be displayed when used in conjunction with the "Merge uniform rows" option checked. Of all the values in that column, you can choose to display either the Sum of all values, Min value, Max value or Average value.
3. Sort Ascending or Descending
Click on the column headers to change the order of the data according to the values (alphabetical for text-based values or sequential for numeric values) in the selected column. The arrow symbols


indicate if the column is sorted in ascending or descending order.
Pivot grid
The Pivot grid is a table which allows users to summarize model data and visualize relations between components.
After creation, the pivot grid list needs to be configured based on the properties that were selected:
Click the list in the Lists panel to show the results in the List results panel
- Click the Field list button in the Lists results panel

In the Field list panel, all properties which have been added to the list can be selected and rearranged.

The panel consists of the following sections:
All Fields (1) This section shows all properties which have been added in the settings of the List. Properties which need to be added to the Pivot grid can be selected.
Here, the properties can be sorted by data order

, ascending

, or descending

- Filters (2)
By adding a property to this section, you can add an additional filter to include or exclude certain components by clicking the filter icon

Columns (3)
Properties added to this section will be shown as columns in the pivot grid. These properties can be sorted in ascending or descending order, and can be filtered.
Rows (4) Properties added to this section will be shown as rows in the pivot grid. These properties can be sorted in ascending or descending order, and can be filtered.

Values (5) Properties added to this section will be shown as calculated values in the Pivot grid. The calculation method for these values can be set by clicking the arrow behind the property.

Drag and drop the properties from the 'All Fields' section into the other sections to compose the pivot grid. Dragging anything outside the control will deselect it.
Click the Field list button again to close the configuration window
After creation the following features are available for the pivot grid lists:
Dashboard data
In contrast to the other two list types, Dashboard data is primarily meant to be used in other applications such as PowerBI. This type is created to be synchronized to BIMcollab and is thus only available for Shared nodes.
At first glance this table is identical to Property tables. However, it has restrictions on editability. Properties should not be changed on a frequent basis because it can cause issues with the connected applications template.