Style schemes

Style schemes

Thorough style schemes you can apply visual filters to the floor plans and 3D views in your model, and choose how to visualize elements based on style rules. 

In the Settings module, you can create Style Schemes that can also be used by other users.
When creating a new Style Scheme, you can choose to create a Style Scheme that applies to Rooms, Areas or Objects. This setting can't be changed later, so make sure you have the right selection initially.

Once a Style Scheme has been created, you can then start adding Style Rules to the scheme. Here you have these choices of either adding a rule based on a parameter (1), material (2), company (3) or KYP style rules(4). KYP style rules are for the KYP Project, a scheduling and communications tool for construction.

For example, if you choose a Parameter style rule, in the next screen you can select a parameter (1) from all available parameters in the model. 
You can also load unique parameter values (2), which will list all unique values that exist in the model. Or you can add values manually (3).
For each rule you can specify visual rules like fill colour, transparency, line colour, line transparency and line pattern. Rules created can be deleted, but can't be edited later.

After saving the current Style Rules, more style rules can be added, even if they are based on other parameter, material, company or KYP style rules. 
For example, if multiple parameters with a same name exist in the project, you can group them all together under one style scheme. Like in the case of Fire Rating example below,  you can combine the parameters Fire resistance and Firerating in one Style Rule.

You can use transparency to hide objects with a certain value. For example, you are checking if all elements have an Assembly Code value assigned You could make objects that have a value assigned with 90% transparency, and highlight elements that are missing a value with a red color.
From the 3D objects module (1)Style Schemes (2) can be applied to models and plans in your current project phase.

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