Setting a default email address for working in offline mode

Setting a default email address for working in offline mode

When working in offline mode in BIMcollab Zoom, your email address is used to identify you as a user when creating and editing issues.

When you are connected to BIMcollab Nexus, the email address of the logged in user is used for all modifications. When you have been connected to BIMcollab Nexus from BIMcollab Zoom earlier, the same address will be used by default. To change this, you can follow these steps:
  1. When working on Windows:
    1. Go to Extra > Settings
    2. In the Preferences window, choose 'Connection', and enter your email address under 'Default user'

    3. Click on OK
      A new dialog window opens to verify your email address and enter your name and surname, as well as your project role. This information is only used when working in offline mode

  2. When working on Mac:
    1. Go to BIMcollab Zoom > Preferences
    2. In the Preferences window, choose 'Connection', and enter your email address under 'Default user'

      When working on Mac, you will not be asked to enter any additional information
    3. Close the Preferences window to save the settings
The email address which is entered in the settings window, is only used when working in offline mode.
When you are connected to BIMcollab Nexus, the details of the logged in user are used for all modifications.

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