

With Document Revisions, available in the Ultimate Plan, you can assign a document (or a set of documents) to be revised and track the process. Once a revision is assigned to a user, the document(s) in the revision are frozen. This means that no new conflicting document versions can be added while the documents are in the revision, helping you keep your documents up to date.

To create and work with Revisions in your project (phase), follow the steps below.

User Permissions

In BIMcollab Twin, user access is defined by administrators through User Roles. Before users can work with revisions, they first need to have permission to do so through User Role Permissions.
As an administrator, to enable Revisions for a specific user role, go to the User Roles tab (1) on the Space Settings page. Choose the required user role, select Permissions (2) from the menu on  the left and click on the Edit Permissions (3) button.

From the Revision tab, select if user in this user role can: View (1), Add (2), or Edit (3) the revisions in this project phase. You can create multiple user roles with different permissions.
For example, only certain users can add revisions, and only certain users can view or edit permissions.

In the Permission tab, you also need to make sure that under the Documents menu, the feature New table (technology preview) is turned on.

Create the Revision

In the Project environment, first select the correct location, project, and project phase.
In the Documents module, select the required document or a set of related documents that need to be revised. Click on the revisions icon from the quick menu.

The Create revisions menu will open, with a list of information fields:
  1. Reference Number is a unique number automatically assigned of this Revision.
  2. Description field is where you can enter a free text description of your revision.
  3. Assigned user(s) are responsible for updating and uploading the new document version. Select one or more users from the drop-down list.
  4. Informed field is where you can select one or more users to be notified by email when this revision is created.
  5. Start Date the current date is automatically entered in the Start Date field.
  6. End Date is where you can select the deadline for this revision.
  7. Documents section is where you see list of the selected documents to which this revision will apply to.

When you are finished adding and reviewing information, click Save.
Once a Revision has been created, it cannot be canceled or deleted.

Documents that are added to the revision are automatically frozen, as indicated by the frozen icon on the Document overview page. This prevents users other than the responsible users from uploading conflicting document versions while the documents are being revised.

View the Revision

The list of created Revisions can be located in the Communication module (1), under the Revisions (2) tab.

The overview displays relevant information about the revision, including the current status of the revision.

Revisions can have any of the following statuses:

  1. Open: The revision is open.
  2. Urgent: The revision’s deadline has passed.
  3. Completed: The revision has been closed, and new document versions have been uploaded.

Edit the Revision

Clicking the revision number opens the Revision Details page. Here you can see the revision information and the documents that are part of this revision. Under Events (1) you can see the latest actions taken by users on this revision.

The sender of the revision and other users from his company can edit the revision (as long as it has not been resolved) by clicking the Edit button (2).

To start working on documents, download them using the Download icon (3), which ensure you are working on the latest versions of documents. You can choose to download only the latest versions of the document by selecting the ‘Document’ version only. Or download the documents with it’s attachments and linked documents. You can also download the upload list for a more efficient process when uploading new documents.

When you are finished editing the documents, you can upload the new document version from the Documents page. Follow this article to upload manually or upload using the Upload List.

When a new document is uploaded, the new versions (4) are listed in the Revision details page, in the Documents menu. 

When the work on the revision is finished, sender and other users from his company can close the revision, by clicking on the Resolve (5) button. 

If a new version of a document has not been uploaded, a message will be displayed below the document. Click save to Close the revision, which changes the status of the revision to ‘completed’.

Once the revision is completed, it can no longer be edited. When new versions of the documents are uploaded, they are not part of this revision, and as such they will not show in the revision details page.

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