Release history BIMcollab Twin
This article contains the release notes of BIMcollab Twin for 2024 and 2025
BIMcollab Twin | 06-02-2025
Minor Changes
- Redirect to revision details page after creating revision
After creating a new revision, the user is now redirected to the details page of the created revision, instead of the documents table.
Bug Fixes
- Documents rights bulk action
Fix for bulk actions for documents on project level, where multiple list actions were missing on project level, even though user had the correct permissions. - Count of documents shown on the documents page
Fix for incorrect number of documents shown to user on Documents page.
BIMcollab Twin | 15-01-2025
- Generate Upload Lists for Multi-Selected Documents
Users can now always generate an upload list for an unlimited number of documents when multi-selecting. A limit of 500 documents is applied only when downloading files.
Bug Fixes
- Editing Project Phases
Resolved an issue that prevented editing project phases.
BIMcollab Twin | 08-01-2025
- Custom Fields for Document Naming Conventions
A new custom field with a single-select option is now available for use in custom Document Naming Conventions. Code abbreviations must be added to the custom field options as needed. An unlimited number of custom fields can be created and utilized.
Minor Changes
- Enhanced User Login Management
Space administrators can now reset and change the login method of each individual user. Affected users will receive a new activation link via email to complete the process.
BIMcollab Twin | 10-12-2024
- Extract Document Naming Convention from filename
When a Document Naming Convention is set up, Twin will try and match the filename to the Document Naming Convention during the upload progress. This will extract the document number and related metadata from the filename and fill in these fields on the upload screen. When a user formats the document filename according to the Document Naming Convention, this will result in less manual input during the upload process.
- Custom field with single option
When creating a custom field, space administrators can now choose between a single and multi option field.
- Placeholder To-Do’s API includes custom fields and archive state
When requesting document details through public API, custom fields and the archived state are also included.
- Delete discipline and status entries
Space administrators can now delete discipline and status options manually.
Minor Changes
- Stamp fields are updated
When requesting document details through public API, custom fields and the archived state are also included. The text “approved by [user]” and “approved on [date]” is removed from the stamp. Only the the user name and date will be printed, making the stamp details more concise.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: When going back to the document set page, the details would not load.
Fixed: The "View documents" button on the work packages details page was not showing all documents.
Fixed: Lithuanian language special characters are now supported.
Fixed: Some combinations of localization and language settings mode it impossible to enter a valid coordinate.
- Fixed: To do items (task, note, questions) that are attached to a revision are visible in all other projects / project phases.
Fixed: Confidential documents do not enter workflows.
Fixed: When uploading files, some required fields were missing the required asterisk symbol indication.
Fixed: Users unable to activate multiple archived documents in bulk.
Fixed: For some spaces, editing custom user role permissions is broken.
BIMcollab Twin | 20-11-2024
- Placeholder To-Do’s
Users can now start adding to-do items to a placeholder document before any document version has been uploaded. This enables early discussions about proposed document contents, even before the document is created.
Minor Changes
Search Query Persistence
The search query entered on the documents page will now be remembered. When users leave and return to the documents page, even after logging out and back in, their previous search query will remain saved.
Enhanced Workflow Navigation
From the audit and review task detail pages, users can now navigate directly to the workflow page. This page lists all tasks in the workflow instance, making it easier to reference audit results or previous steps while reviewing a document.
Mandatory Comments for Task Rejections
Users are now required to provide a comment when rejecting a review task. This ensures that feedback accompanies every rejection, addressing a common client request.
Generic Terminology for Spatial Structures
A new option allows users to use generic names for spatial structures, expanding beyond the current site/building/building part terminology. This change caters to infrastructure projects and improves flexibility.
Bug Fixes
Improved Bulk Action Performance
Bulk actions for documents now load significantly faster in spaces with many projects, improving usability.
Archived Confidential Documents Visibility
Confidential documents, once archived, are now visible under the archived documents section. Permissions for confidential documents remain enforced, ensuring only authorized users can view them.
Access to Review Task Details
Users with visibility of review tasks can now always access the review task detail page.
Correct Placement of Document Stamps
Document stamps are now correctly positioned within documents, resolving previous placement issues.
BIMcollab Twin | 14-11-2024
To-Do Items for Revisions
Users can now associate to-do items with document revisions, allowing them to start discussions or assign tasks related to specific revisions.
Forwarding Audit and Review Tasks
In workflows where assigning a responsible person in advance is challenging, users can now forward audit or review tasks to another user, ensuring the correct person assumes responsibility.
Map Pins by Coordinates
Users can now place pins on location group dashboards using longitude and latitude coordinates, making it possible to map assets without requiring an address.
Minor change
- Filtered To-Do List in PDF Viewer
To reduce clutter, the to-do list in the PDF viewer now displays only items for the selected version by default. Users can still toggle to view all to-do’s across document versions if needed.
BIMcollab Twin | 31-07-2024
- Document search query in URL.
- For communication items, include the entire question, answer descriptions, and link in Excel exports.
Minor changes
- Added more information to action history.
- Mobile: On the document detail page, show viewer icon "eye".
- Show default login method of users in space settings.
- Removed 'Storey names' permission from the permissions list.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: error when exporting documents to Excel.
- Fixed: issue where empty field in upload list gets filled with default discipline.
- Fixed: 'Edit columns' menu not opening when the menu with filters is collapsed.
- Fixed: Incidental 500 error when client uses upload list.
BIMcollab Twin | 28-06-2024
- Document to object linking: Documents stored in Twin can now be attached to IFC-objects in the WebViewer. Users can simply select the objects and then search for documents in Twin to attach them. This is useful for attaching design documents or maintenance documentation to specific objects in the model.
- IFC sharing to WebViewer: IFC-models from Twin, can be made visible in the WebViewer with simple click of a button. Version management will be tracked by Twin, new updated versions will automatically be synced to the WebViewer. All file-permissions assigned to specific users, will carry over to the WebViewer. For example confidential models will remain confidential and won’t be visible to other users.
- New topbar menu: In an effort to integrate Twin into the BIMcollab ecosystem, we have added all menu items to the top bar. As a transition phase, users will keep the vertical menu bar, next to the new horizontal top bar.
- Better project and permissions management for Premium subscriptions: The flexibility of creating multiple projects per location and assigning teams to multiple project phases is now also made available for Premium subscriptions.
Minor changes
- Include columns for start and end dates in revision list.
- Updated and improved translations.
- Disabled upload for documents on location level.
- Zooming in PDF-viewer is now possible using CTRL+ mousewheel.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Icons in toolbar for pdf-annotations not visible.
- Fixed: Error when sending email notifications for placeholders.
- Fixed: When creating a new workflow, only project phases for selected project are shown as option.
- Fixed: Stamp previews now match the actual stamp on the pdf-document.
- Fixed: When exporting a list of document-details, descriptions 2 and 3 are missing.
- Fixed: When using a upload list, empty discipline fields will remain empty and will not be filled with a default discipline.
BIMcollab Twin | 16-04-2024
- Document Naming convention
- Document Revisions
- Several performance improvements
- User activity reports
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Locationgroups containing themselves caused an error
- Fixed: Downloading files for audit tasks was broken
- Fixed: Map of location does not work consistenly
- Fixed: Checkboxes are invisible on project creation page
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