In BIMcollab Twin, 'Realization' refers to the process of reviewing project documentation before receiving final approval for use during the construction phase. Such documents may include various types of information necessary for the construction process, such as planning and design documentation, as-built drawings, photos, and reports.
Review tasks in Twin are integral to this process and are created as a step within a workflow. When the administrator creates this review step, there is an optional Realization checkbox. If this is selected, the documents that are associated with the review task will appear in different document realization categories as they move through the review process. This categorization provides a summary at the location, project, or phase level, showing which documents are still under review and the outcomes of these reviews (approved or rejected).

To learn more about how review tasks are carried out in BIMcollab Twin, refer to this article:
Reviewing documentsRealization categories
The different realization categories can be found in the
Documents Module. Review tasks are always assigned to documents based on the most recent document version at that particular time.
There are three different realization categories (statuses) that documents can alternate between as they move through the review process:
- Documents for approval: All documents that still need to be reviewed.
- Approved documents: Once a document is approved, it will appear here as the latest version. Older versions are overwritten when a newer version of the same document number is approved.
- Rejected documents: All the latest rejected versions of documents will appear here.

Realization is merged with Documents module now. Both of the modules show the same window but Documents module opens the documents overview section and Realization goes to documents for approval.
Approval Process
If a review task exists in a workflow, the responsible users must approve or reject the documents before the workflow can proceed to the next step. The outcome of the review not only determines the subsequent step in the workflow, but also determines the realization status the document will receive, and on which list it will show up.

A single review task will be automatically created where multiple responsible people can be assigned, but the task ends as soon as the first person completes it.
Depending on the workflow, approved or rejected documents may also receive a stamp as per the outcome of a review task. Therefore, a typical review process can be outlined as follows:
- An action is triggered in a workflow that requires a document Review Task to begin and the responsible persons are assigned to this.
- The documents that are still yet to be reviewed will first appear in the Documents for Approval category.

Clicking on a document number will take you to the relevant document version overview page.
You can view the associated review task for the document by navigating to the To do's page for the version.
A responsible person will then complete the review task by selecting either Approve or Reject for a specific document.
If the document is approved, it will move from the list of Documents for Approval to the list of Approved Documents. 
If the document is rejected, it will move from the list of Documents for Approval to the list of Rejected Documents.

If stamp actions are included in the workflow, the document will receive an approval stamp if it is approved.
If the document is rejected, the document will receive a rejection stamp or no stamp at all depending on how the admin setup the workflow.
Any approved documents will thereafter remain in the Approved Documents list until a new document version is uploaded.
If a document was rejected, only when a new version of a previously rejected document is approved, will it move from the Rejected Documents list to the Approved Documents list.

All approved document versions will remain in the Approved Documents category indefinitely unless the document itself is archived. The document will then disappear from the approved list.

Administrators have the ability to set
permissions to determine which users can see which realization lists, therefore some users might only be able to see approved documents for example.
Using stamps on construction drawings
BIMcollab Twin aims to simplify the construction realization process by offering the ability to create a digital stamp that can be placed on a document immediately after its approval or rejection through a Review Task.
The stamp includes free text and can optionally display the time of approval/rejection as well as the name of the person who completed the review task.
Additionally, the stamp can feature a QR code that can be used to confirm whether the document version is the most current. This allows for easy verification on the construction site to ensure the drawing is up-to-date.
By scanning the QR code with a smartphone or tablet, a link opens to a web page displaying either a green or red screen. Only the QR code on the latest document version shows a green screen, while all previous versions display a red screen.