

Documents that are reviewed for execution in a workflow become visible in the Realization module. This module is divided into three chapters:
  1. Documents for approval : documents that still need to be reviewed.
  2. Approved documents : the latest approved versions of documents. These versions are only overwritten when a new version of the same document number is approved.
  3. Rejected documents : all latest rejected versions of documents. Documents disappear from this list if a new version is approved.
Realization is merged with Documents module now. Both of the modules show the same window but Documents module opens the documents overview section and Realization goes to documents for approval. 

Approving documents

The approval or rejection of documents is done in a workflow, the responsible users within the project are assigned assessment tasks. The outcome of these tasks determines in which chapter of the Realization module a document version becomes visible.

Depending on the workflow, approved documents may receive a stamp. These documents disappear from the list of documents for approval (1) and are moved to the list of approved documents (2) . With rights you can set who is allowed to see which list, so some users can only have access to the approved documents. Rejected documents will not be stamped and will appear in the list of rejected documents (3) .

Stamp with QR code

If necessary, a digital stamp is placed on the drawing immediately after approval. This stamp can be set per workflow by the account manager.

The stamp consists of free text and optionally the time of approval and the name of the person who approved the document. There is also a QR code in the stamp that can be used to check whether this version of the document is also the current version. The position on the document and color of the stamp can be set per project.

By scanning the QR code with the camera of your smartphone or tablet, a link will open. A green or red screen will appear on this web page. Only the QR code on the latest version of the document number shows a green screen, all previous versions show a red screen. This makes it easy to check whether the version of the drawing on the construction site is the latest.

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