Power BI On-Premises Data Gateway Setup Guide for BIMcollab

Power BI On-Premises Data Gateway Setup Guide for BIMcollab

In order to allow Power BI to perform scheduled refreshes on a BIMcollab data set when working with an on-premises BIMcollab space, it is necessary to locally install and configure an on-premises data gateway.
  1. Log into your online Power BI space and go to Download > Data Gateway

  2. Click 'Download standard mode' and run the installer on your on-premise server
  3. Install using the recommended options

  4. After installation, sign in to register the gateway with your space
  5. Provide the gateway with a unique name and recovery key

  6. Go to 'Connectors' and verify that the folder containing your custom connectors has been selected and that the BIMcollab connector is visible

    If it is not visible then you must either:

    1. Go to 'Service Settings' and change the Gateway service account to one which has access to the custom connectors folder (you will need to sign in again)
    2. Change the permissions of the folder containing the custom connectors to allow access to the current gateway service account

  7. Go to 'Diagnostics', click 'Start new test' and verify the test completes successfully

  8. Log back into your online Power BI space and go to Settings > Manage Gateways

  9. Verify that your gateway is visible
  10. Add any additional information and check the 'Allow user’s cloud data sources…' and 'Allow user’s custom data connectors…' boxes. Click 'Apply'
  11. Click 'Add Data Sources to use the gateway'

  12. Give the data source a name and select 'BIMcollab Connector' as your data source type
  13. Enter your full BIMcollab space URL and select OAuth2 as your authentication method

  14. Click on 'Edit Credentials' and sign into your space

    Note: The account you sign in with MUST be a member of all projects you wish to retrieve data from
  15. Fill in your e-mail address and password of your BIMcollab account and press the Log in button

  16. The next screen will ask for your consent to allow Power BI to use the BIMcollab API services. Offline Access is required if you want Power BI to be able to refresh data without logging in again.
    Click 'Yes, allow' to continue.
  17. Click 'Add'
  18. Go to 'Users' and make sure that all users who publish reports are added to the users list

  19. Go back to 'Data Source Settings' and click 'Test all connections' to verify the connection is working

  20. Go to your workspace and then to 'Datasets'

  21. Here you will find any datasets you previously published from Power BI. Hover over the dataset you wish to refresh, click on the menu dots and then select 'Schedule Refresh'
  22. Expand 'Gateway Connection' and enable 'Use a data gateway'
If there are multiple gateways available, then select the correct one
  23. Map the BIMcollab data source in the dataset to the data source previously created

  24. Click 'Apply'
  25. Go back to your workspace and then to 'Datasets'
  26. Hover over the data set, click on the menu dots and select 'Refresh Now'
  27. Return to Scheduled Refresh and click 'Refresh History
    Verify that the refresh completed successfully
  28. Expand 'Scheduled refresh' and set up you refresh schedule

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