Installation Guide for Power BI connector

Installation Guide for Power BI connector

The Power BI connector for BIMcollab allows you to extract statistical data from BIMcollab Nexus in order to create fully customizable dashboards for your BIM team.
Note: The connector is currently in the process of being certified by Microsoft to be included as a standard connector with Power BI. In the meantime, it can be used by installing it manually by following the instructions in this article.
  1. Download the Power BI Connector for BIMcollab here
  2. In Windows, copy the BIMcollab.mez file to the following folder:
    Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors
    If the folder does not yet exist then create it

  3. Start Power BI Desktop
  4. Go to File >Options and settings > Options > Security  and enable 'Allow any extension to load without validation or warning'

  5. Close Power BI Desktop and start it again
  6. From the home screen, click the 'Get Data' button

  7. Select BIMcollab from the list 'Online Services', or use the search bar to quickly fins the correct connection

  8. Choose 'Connect'
  9. Enter the url of the space you want to connect to and press 'OK'

  10. If this is the first time you are connecting to the space or have not remained logged in, then Power BI will ask you to sign in.
    Press the Sign in button to go to the BIMcollab login screen

  11. Fill in your email address and password of your BIMcollab account and press the Login button

  12. The next screen will ask for your consent to allow Power BI to use the BIMcollab API services. Offline Access is required if you want Power BI to be able to refresh data without logging in again. Click 'Yes, allow' to continue.

  13. Once logged in you can click 'Connect' to load the list of projects with their available resources. Tick the checkboxes of all items you want to use in Power BI and then click 'Load' to start downloading the data

Issue data is available in all plans. History, or activity, data is only available in Premium and Ultimate plans.
More information about using custom connectors can be found here: