Offline workflow BCF Manager

Offline workflow BCF Manager

Creating, importing and exporting issues offline

It is advised to always use the BCF Manager with an online workflow by connecting to BIMcollab Nexus. If this is not possible, you can create, import and export issues as BCF-files to exchange them with the rest of your project team.
The rest of this article describes the offline workflow.
  1. Open the BCF Manager in your preferred application
  2. To start a whole new project, select 'New offline project' (1)
  3. If you already have a BCF file to start the project, choose 'Import BCF File' (2). The issues from the file will be imported.
    You can find an example BCF file on our website.
    See the Heading 'Export issues from BIMcollab Nexus' below, to know how you can export issues from Nexus into a BCF file
  4. Press the '+' button (3) and start creating new issues, or click the pencil button to edit existing issues
  5. When you are ready to export the issues to a BCF file, hit the Save button (4)

For more information on how to create and edit issues from the BCF Managers, consult the Quick Start Guides for the BCF Managers.

Import the BCF file in BIMcollab Nexus

It is possible to import the BCF file in a project on BIMcollab Nexus:
  1. Go to your BIMcollab Nexus space
  2. Go to the preferred project
  3. Go to the Issues tab
  4. Click on 'Import'
  5. Click on 'Browse', and choose the BCF file you want to import
  6. If necessary, select default properties to add to the issues when missing
  7. Click 'Import'
  8. The file will be imported. Existing issues will be updated and new issues will be added to the project. A history of the performed imports will be displayed on the Import page.
For more information on how to import Issues from a BCF file, consult the article Import issues into BIMcollab Nexus from a BCF or CSV file.

Export issues from BIMcollab Nexus

To share the Issues in BIMcollab Nexus with your team members who work in offline mode, you can use the report function, to export the issues to a BCF file.
  1. Go to your BIMcollab Nexus space 
  2. Go to the preferred project
  3. Go to the Issues tab
  4. If necessary, apply a filter, to only show a selection of Issues which you want to save in the BCF file.
    If you do not apply a filter, all of the Issues will be exported

  5. Click on 'Report'

  6. Choose the file type BCF and press the 'Create report' button

    A BCF report will be created

  7. Go to the Report tab
    The created reports will be displayed here
  8. Press the download button to download the BCF file

After downloading the file, you can open it with the BCF Manager. See the heading 'Creating, importing and exporting issues offline' for the steps.

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