Your BIMcollab ID is an overarching account, based on your email address, which is used to identify you within the BIMcollab Ecosystem. It contains your personal information and can only be accessed by you.
In private BIMcollab Nexus spaces, you also have a
Space account. The information in this account can be edited by both you and the administrator of the private space.
The infographic below shows the
differences between a BIMcollab ID and Space account.
You can use your personal BIMcollab ID already to:
This account will be created for you in several situations:
- When you are added to a BIMcollab space and do not yet have an existing BIMcollab ID
- When requesting a BIMcollab Zoom Trial
- When creating a BIMcollab Nexus Trial space.
When creating a new BIMcollab ID, you are first asked to enter the email address with which you want to create the account.
- If an account already exists for that email address, you will be asked to enter your password and will be logged in immediately.
- If no account exists yet, a verification code will be sent to your email. Enter the verification code, set a password , and you will be logged in
The information in your account will be used when providing you with customer support as well as providing BIMcollab with customer insight.
My BIMcollab ID
The information in your BIMcollab ID is accessible from, as well as from
any space you are added to with the same email address. After login, you can enter more personal information, which helps us to offer you more personalized support.