Measure or place dimensions in BIMcollab Zoom

Measure or place dimensions in BIMcollab Zoom

To place a dimension:
  1. Click on the dimensioning tool icon in the toolbar.

  2. Move your cursor and hover above the starting point of your measurement. This can be an edge, a corner or a point on a plane and will be indicated by the mouse cursor plus:
    1. Edges will be highlighted by a red line. The cursor will appear a a black dot with a horizontal line
    2. Corners will be indicated by a red circle. The cursor will appear as a black dot with two diagonal lines
    3. Planes will be indicated by a red square. The cursor will appear as a black dot surrounded by a square
  3. When the correct point is found, left mouse click.
  4. Move and hover above the second point of your measurement:
    As you move the cursor you will receive a preview of the measurement. The cursor will again appear differently, depending on the point it is located.

  5. Left mouse click again to place the dimension.
Please note that, by default, the dimension tool will automatically measure the perpendicular distance between the two selected elements (for example, between a point and an edge). If you want the measurement to be made between the two points you have clicked, you can press SHIFT when you choose the starting point of your measurement.

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