How to deal with issues found in Solibri

How to deal with issues found in Solibri

Optimal workflow between Solibri and BIMcollab Nexus

You have been using Solibri Office to evaluate your BIM models and create issues. Let us guide you through the process step by step and demonstrate the optimal workflow.

Follow the following steps to optimize your issue management workflow with Solibri and BIMcollab Nexus.

Version 9.12 - The BCF Live connector

Step 1: Load your IFC models into Solibri

Create a federated model of your project by loading the IFC models from the various disciplines.

Step 2: Run rulesets

Select the rulesets that you wish to perform and run them.

Step 3: Create slides

Evaluate the rule results and create slides for those issues which need to be resolved.

Step 4: Connect to your space in the BCF Live View

Activate the slider to configure the connection.

For the complete connection procedure, consult the article Connect from Solibri
Issues which are already present in the project in BIMcollab Nexus will be synchronized to Solibri.
It's possible to enable or disable the "Use automatic synchronization" option in "File> Settings> BCF Live Connector". When this option is disabled, the issue you created or edited will not be synced instantly, and you will need to click "Mark as Ready" for the BCF Live Connector to start syncing the issue in question to the BIMcollab Nexus.

Step 5: Import checking results as issues

Click Import issues in the BCF Live View. In the opened window, choose From checking results, and indicate the ruleset from which you want to create issues. Issues will only be created from checking result for which a slide has been added.
Once the issues have been imported, you will recognize they are linked to a checking result from the symbol in the 'Link' column in the BCF Live View.

Step 6: Synchronize issues to BIMcollab Nexus

If the option "Use automatic synchronization" is activated in the settings, the problems will be immediately synchronized to BIMcollab Nexus after the import.
But if the "Use automatic synchronization" option is disabled, you must click the "Mark as ready" button one by one for each imported problem so that the BCF Live Connector starts synchronization for these imported problems.

Step 7: Close the connection in the BCF Live View

Once done working in a project, always close the project from BCF Live view.

Step 8: Update your models

Before you connect with BIMcollab Nexus again always make sure that you have the latest models loaded into Solibri. Note that it is important that you update the models and do not replace them as this will sever the links between the models and the issues.

Step 9: Sync with BIMcollab Nexus

By connecting to your space in the BCF Live view, any changes to issues made in BIMcollab Nexus, will automatically be synchronized back to Solibri.

Step 10: Re-Run your rulesets in Solibri

This will evaluate if the current issues have been resolved. If new issues are found you can import them as issues as well.

Step 11: Update issues from checking results

Import the issues again from the checking results.
  1. If the clash is no longer present in the checking results, the relation from the issue to the slide wil disappear, and the link symbol will no longer be visible in the BCF Live view. Judge whether these issues are solved, and edit them accordingly.
  2. Any changes made in the slides of the checking results will be updated in the issues.
  3. New slides from the checking results will be added as new issues.
Your issues have now been updated and are automatically synchronized to BIMcollab Nexus.

Version 9.10 and earlier - The BCF connector

Step 1 through 3: follow the same steps as in the workflow for Solibri 9.12

Step 4: Create presentation

Create a new presentation based on the results.

Step 5: Sync with BIMcollab Nexus

Synchronize your results to BIMcollab Nexus by exporting new and changed issues

If you have not yet connected to a project on BIMcollab before, you will be asked to select the project to which you want to synchronize your presentation.
Once you are connected, you can choose the options for importing and exporting issues.

Step 6: Sync again

Synchronize your results from BIMcollab Nexus by importing changed issues.
Now that your issues have been uploaded in BIMcollab and are fully synchronized with Solibri they can be managed and worked on by your team. You will then want to confirm that the issues have indeed been resolved.

Step 7: Update your models

Before you synchronize with BIMcollab Nexus again always make sure that you always have the latest models loaded into Solibri. Note that it is important that you update the models and do not replace them as this will sever the links between the models and the issues.

Step 8: Sync with BIMcollab Nexus

Continue to use the same presentation (do not delete it) and synchronise your results from BIMcollab Nexus by importing changed issues.

Step 9: Re-Run your rulesets in Solibri

This will evaluate if the current issues have been resolved. If new issues are found you can create slides for them as well.

Step 10: Update your Presentation

Again using the same presentation perform an ‘Update Presentation from Results’

Your issues have now been updated and are ready to be synchronized with BIMcollab Nexus. To do so go back to Step 5 and keep repeating this cycle until all your issues have been resolved.

Migrating your Issue Management to BIMcollab Nexus

If you have been working with Solibri and have projects and presentations you would like to migrate to BIMcollab then there are some special steps you can take to ensure that the transition goes smoothly and that you are up and running in BIMcollab Nexus in no time. If you sync an existing SMC presentation with BIMcollab then you may encounter some limitations of the BCF connector.

The best way to publish an existing Solibri presentation to BIMcollab Nexus is to first:
  1. Create a new project in BIMcollab
  2. Create a report in Solibri of the presentation in BCF format.
  3. Import the BCF file into BIMcollab.
Once the BCF file has been correctly imported into BIMcollab Nexus then you can continue to synchronize your project via the BCF Connector.

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