This Get Started guide describes the functionalities and configuration of your BIMcollab Twin space. It will get you up and running in no time.
Your space has already been activated by our team. When ordering a space, you were asked to provide initial space information, including the contact information of the administrator. As an administrator, you will receive an email invitation to log-in to your space for the first time.
For each space, the administrator
can determine how the space will be set-up and who gets access. Follow the series of steps described below, through which you will set-up your space so your users can start working on projects.
1. BIMcollab Twin user interface
After logging in, you can continue with configurating your space. The initial landing page is the Project Environment page. You can switch between the Project Environment and Account Settings page by clicking on the Gear button.

We are transitioning the user interface from a vertical menu to a horizontal bar to ensure visual consistency across all BIMcollab products. Temporarily, both vertical and horizontal menus will be available to help you adjust to the new layout. Read more about these changes in this article:
2. Setup the account mandatory fields
On every project it is important to use clear and consistent data structure. Admins can set up mandatory fields under Settings. Then these fields, pre-defined by admins, will be automatically filled in when users are adding documents and communication. Below is a list of all fields that can be added and their descriptions. Each new value can be added under the required filed, by clicking the Add button in the top right corner.
2.1 Disciplines
All companies can be categorized by their trade disciplines. Each company belongs to a discipline, which can be set up by the admin. Multiple companies can belong to one discipline. When adding a new disciplines, you can add the discipline name, the code (abbreviation of a discipline in 3 characters), and a clear description.
2.2 Labels
Labels can be very helpful when filtering documents. They can be used to define any other metric in your project that is required. All documents can be labeled with one or more labels.
2.3 Custom fields
With custom fields you can add additional information to your project, that is not provided in other fields. You can
2.4 Statuses
When a document is loaded, and throughout the workflow, documents will receive a status. The progress of Workflows within BIMcollab Twin also depends on the document status. To have standardized status values, admins can add them from Status menu.
3. Invite users
You've started your BIMcollab Twin project and now you'd like to invite people for collaboration. The admin can set up the project user structure, including companies, users, teams and roles from the functions described below. Each new value can be added under the required filed, by clicking the Add button in the top right corner.
3.1 Create companies
All users are a part of a company, so first create companies that then you can connect to users. Companies are saved in the BIMcollab Twin database and can be active in multiple spaces. When adding a company, if the company is already known to BIMcollab Twin, entering the statutory name or trade name is sufficient, the rest of the fields will be auto-filled.
3.2 Create Users
New users can be added only if their company has already been added to BIMcollab Twin. Each user gets their own user account with a personal dashboard where they can set their personal settings. Users can be a part of other BIMcollab twin spaces. So, if a user already exists in BIMcollab Twin, when creating the user only filling in the e-mail address is necessary the other data will be auto-filled.
On a space level users can have one of two roles:
Regular Users can see only the locations, projects and project phases they have access to based on their project role. When adding a new user they are by default added as a regular user.
Space Administrators have access to the Administration page and all Locations. To make a user an Admin, click on the user name from the overview list, and in the Edit Page, under Settings, and change the Space Administrator field to 'Yes".
3.3 Create User Roles
Roles enable administrators to define permissions and determine which sections of a project users assigned to these roles can access. Learn more about user roles and how to create and edit them in this article:
User role permissionsRoles are assigned on a project basis. If a user is part of multiple teams, user can have multiple roles within a project. In this case, permissions will be merged, and user will have permissions from all roles in all teams.
Once you add a new User Role, to modify the permissions and access associated with that role, click on the required User Role from the list, and in the next window, choose either Permissions or Rights to file formats. User roles are assigned to users when adding them to teams in the Teams tab.
4. Set up the project
4.1 Terminology Customization
BIMcollab Twin spatial organization by default uses terminology common in the building industry (Building, part, story). There is an option to replace it with an alternative, more generic terminology suitable for infrastructure projects and other use cases, as listed below:
Default (building) terminology | Alternative (generic) terminology |
Building | Asset |
Building part | Part |
Building Storey | Level |
When enabled, the updated terminology applies to all locations within your space, and the two terminologies can't be mixed. We recommend that the administrators of the space choose a terminology aligned with your project types and apply it before any projects are started. If you would like this feature enabled, please contact us at, and we will turn it on for your space.
4.2 Create Location, Plots, Building and Storeys
Under the Location, the space administrator can define the spatial structure of the space. In BIMcollab Twin, you can link the documents and data to the spatial structure of the building. This spatial structure grows with the development of the building, so each phase has its own spatial structure.
The current spatial structure consists of 5 components:
Locations - Each space can contain multiple locations, which are created by space administrator. Location is a grouping of a contiguous group of plots and buildings, and often for large sites; a single location can contain multiple plots, buildings and phases. That is why, when creating the spatial structure, it is important to have a clear idea of what it should look like. Locations can be grouped under Location Groups, so that you can easily filter grouped locations under My Project tab in the Project Environment page.

Note that it is not possible to delete locations or projects in Twin, however, if users or team members are not added to projects in a location, neither the projects nor location would be visible to the users. It would however be visible to the project administrators.
- Plots - A plot is a piece of land on which a building is placed. A plot can contain its own spatial structure, documents and data. In a location you can add one or more plots.
- Building - A building is a representation of the physical structure that is to be constructed. Multiple buildings can exist on one plot, and each building has it's own spatial structure.
- Building Parts - A building can be split into separate parts, which assist with grouping the project actions per parts.
- Storeys - Storeys define the floors of the spatial structure. Once defined, they can be used across the project with standardized naming.
Following this structure, the recommended order of setting up you project location is:
- Add Location > Add Plot > Add Building > Add Building Parts or Add Storeys
4.3 Create Project
Once the spatial structure is created, projects are created and linked to the spatial structure, so that parts of the structure are managed by projects. Multiple projects can be linked to one spatial structure. This allows you to create different projects that are happening separately within the same structure. A project can apply to one or more plots,
buildings or building parts. To add a new project, navigate to the required Location, and under Projects select Add project (1). In the next window, add necessary information to the project creation form.
Projects are added from their specific Location tab, but all projects have an overview in the Project tab.
4.4 Create Phases
Projects are divided into phases, which signify specific periods or series of events within a project. When a Team is linked to one or more phases, and when Users are added to a team, then they will have access only to the information from this phase.
Once a project is created it is automatically assigned to Initial Phase ( an automatic phase created by BIMcollab Twin). To edit the phase, click on the phase name.
Click on the Edit button (1) to edit the current phase, or Add next phase (2) button to add a new phase.
4.5 Create Teams
Teams represent groups of users that are associated with one or more phases. When adding a new team, in the next window you select which Project Phases will this team be active in. Linking a team to a project phase gives team members direct access to this project phase. In the project environment interface, a member of a team can only see the project phases to which the team is linked.
4.6 Add Users to Teams and assign them a User Role
To add users to a team, click on the Team from the overview list, and under Team Members you can Add new team members. When adding a new user to the team, you can also assign them a User Role (that has already been created under Roles). By grouping users into teams with access to specific phases and assigning roles to individual users, you are effectively defining their access and permissions within the project.
5. Workflows
With workflows, you can translate any document process into an automated workflow. Use standardized actions like audit, review, stamping or notifications, and configure their order, deadline and conditions. The workflow is then automated to monitor the progress and coordinate tasks.
Through a workflow, you can design a set of actions that will automatically start when a new document (that passes the specific workflow set requirements) is uploaded. A series of actions will happen in set order as the document is updated. Read more about adding workflows and possible workflow steps in this