Define the 3D view settings for zoom to
View settings are not incorporated in the BCF file format. Your modeling software determines the way in which viewpoints are shown meaning the BCF Managers use the active view settings on zoom to.
In Revit you can influence the way the BCF Managers show viewpoints by the following method: Create a view template as part of the office template or running project. Name views exactly as written below. The BCF manager recognizes these names (case sensitive):
- Template name for a 3D view: BCF Manager 3D
- Template name for a 2D floor plan: BCF Manager PLA
- Template name for a ceiling plan: BCF Manager CEI
- Template name for a section or elevation: BCF Manager S/E
The BCF Manager will show all views in Revit to zoom to issues according to the corresponding
view template.
In the case that different team members are
working in a shared model and wish to have their own personal
view template; then each will need to:
- In the BCF Manager go to SETTINGS and define a “View name extension”
This will be used to create both unique view names as well as to identify your personal view templates

- Create a template as described above and append the view name extension to the view template name

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