Document sets

Document sets

The document sets section (1) lists all document sets. Sets can be used to bundle documents. For example, all documents for a particular permit application. Per document the choice can be made whether a specific version is added to the set, or always the latest version.

By clicking on the set name (2) the corresponding document set is opened and all documents can be viewed. With the button add (3) new document sets can be created.

Adding documents to a set

The add to document set (1) button on the detail page of the document in question allows a specific version of this document to be added to a document set of your choice.

Then the 'Add to document set' screen appears. In the Add to document set (1) field, a document set can be selected using a dropdown menu. There are two options for selecting a specific version (2):
  1. Always the latest version in the set: with this option, the latest version of this document always belongs to the document set. Thus, when a new version is placed, it replaces the old version in the document set.
  2. Only the current version in the set: this option adds specifically the current version of the document to the document set. This version always remains associated with this set.

Adding multiple documents to a set

Multiple documents can also be added to a document set at the same time. After making a selection (1), these documents can be added to a document set of your choice with the button add to document set (2).

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