Customizing columns in a document list and using filters

Customizing columns in a document list and using filters

The document overview displays information organized into columns. The order and visibility of these columns are customizable, so you can define how the information is shown.
You can also use filters to customize what information is shown in the overview.

The customization of columns and the use of the filters must be enabled by the space admin and is set per user role.
In the 'Edit permissions' section of the user role the 'New table (technology preview)' should be set to 'Always':

If this "new table (technology preview)' is set to 'never' you will use the legacy way of displaying columns and filter. You can read how that works in this article: Documents module

The document list

Documents module is divided into a few sections: Menu (1), Spatial structure (2) and Saved filters (3).
The menu (1) provides a few functionalities and filters within your documents. The structure of the project phase is also visible under the spatial structure (2) , with the plots, buildings and floors to which documents can be linked. Saved filters (3) are available to give quick access to a customized method of filtering desired documents. 

You have the ability to tailor your document list in several ways:

1. Document search: Using the search field to pinpoint a specific document 
2. Create filters: Applying filters to refine the list to see your desired documents
3. Edit columns: Customizing the columns to control the visibility of document details in the list 
The last two features are explained in detail under this article. 

Using filters

With filters you can determine what information is shown in the table.
If you want to filter your document list, start by activating the filter button. The button turns yellow once you are in filtering mode and filtering options will appear:

Checkmark the filters you want to use, so in this example we only want to see the expired drawings:

To save this filter for future use, click the 'Save as new' button. In the next window, enter a name and optional group name. If you type a group name, it will either match an existing group or create a new one. Select the 'Shared' option if you want colleagues to access the filter; otherwise, it will be private to you. You can also choose to attach the filter to a specific project phase, making it available only within that phase by selecting "'Attached to project phase',".

To exit filtering mode you can click on the yellow filter button (1) or go back to 'saved filters' (2):

After exiting the filter mode, the filter button would be back to grey again (1) and you can see the saved filter list (2) instead of filtering options . If you have a filter selected and you want to see all of your documents back again, click on 'Reset' (3). 

The filter you created (and the group) will appear either under the 'Shared' or 'Personal' section, depending on your choice in the 'Save as new' dialog. By clicking on '...' icon, you get a list of functionalities you can apply on your saved filter.  

In the '...' list, selecting 'edit' allows you to revisit the 'Save as new' dialog to adjust general settings. To modify the filtering options for individual filters, simply click on the desired saved filter, enter filtering mode, adjust the options as needed, and then save your changes.

Customizing columns

You can open the columns panel by clicking on the columns icon .  The columns customisation panel will be displayed on the right hand side.

Columns are divided into two groups: "Columns in table", meaning the visible columns in your view and "Columns not in table", which are by default not visible and you can decide if you want to bring them forward. Reordering the columns is possible by dragging their names to a preferred position, or moving them between "Columns in table" and "Columns not in the table" and vice versa. Additionally: 

 You can hide a column directly by clicking on the minus icon. 
 You can also pin columns which you want to see at the beginning of the table (left side) by clicking on the pin icon. Pinned columns can also be rearranged amongst themselves. 
   You can unpin the columns by clicking on the pin icon again.    

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