Customize the viewpoints linked to imported clashes
By default, only the clashing components will be saved in the viewpoint of an issue when importing clashes from the Clash Detective in Navisworks.
If you prefer to further customize the viewpoints of your clashes to meet your requirements then follow these steps:
- Create a viewpoint report
- In the Clash Detective go to the Report tab
- For Report Format, choose ‘as viewpoints’
- Make sure you have the ‘preserve results highlighting’ option enabled
- Click 'Write report
- Customize your viewpoints
- Select the viewpoints one by one in the Saved Viewpoints panel
- Customize the view to meet your requirements. You can add additional color overrides, place section planes, unhide other components etc.
TIP: Use the BCF Manager’s Section Box
feature to easily place 6 section planes around the selected components in your view
- Once you are done you can update the saved viewpoint, by right clicking on it and choosing 'Update'
- Use saved viewpoints
Follow the process as described in the article How to transfer Clash test results from the Clash Detective to BIMcollab Nexus to import clashes in the BCF Manager. In the Import dialog enable the 'Use Saved Viewpoints' option.
The BCF Manager will now use the Saved Viewpoints you created and customized

Note: The Saved Viewpoints are matched to the clash test via the name of the folder so it is important that the folder names are not changed. In the case multiple reports were created for the same test then the latest version will be used.
- Optimize your viewpoints
When creating viewpoints it is important that you keep in mind that the view will need to be recreated in other BIM applications and therefore it is best to keep the number of components to a minimum. The BCF Manager will therefore always limit the number of components in a viewpoint to 5000. If an imported viewpoint contains more than 5000 components then no components will be added to the issue’s viewpoint.
Using the viewpoint optimization option you can choose what form of optimization strategy will be used when creating the viewpoints:
- No optimization
The viewpoint will contain a snapshot as well as all visible components, color overrides, camera position and section planes.
- Fast Zoom-To
The viewpoint will contain a snapshot as well as the camera postion and section planes. Use this when working in large models to allow users to quickly zoom to issues.
- Snapshot only
The viewpoint will only contain the snapshot. Use this when a screenshot with annotation will suffice to communicate the clash
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