Custom fields

Custom fields

BIMcollab allows you to define custom fields which can be used to add additional information to the issues in a project.
Custom fields are only available in the Premium and Ultimate plan.
In total, there are 4 customizable fields which can used:
  1. 2 x list fields which can be used to select a predefined value
  2. 2 x text fields which can be used to enter free form text
As a project leader, you can choose which of these fields are available for the project and can set project specific names and values for them.
To choose which custom fields are available for the project, follow these steps:
  1. From your 'My projects' page, select the project and go to the Settings page
  2. Go to the tab 'General'

  3. Enable the checkboxes in front of the Custom fields which you want to use in the project

  4. Save the project settings
To further configure the custom fields, follow these steps:
  1. From your 'My projects' page, select the project and go to the Settings page
  2. Click on the Custom tab
  3. Enter the names of the fields you wish to use
  4. Click 'Save' behind the edited values

The text fields can be immediately used. If you are making use of the list fields you can add the values for that field:
  1. Click on the field’s add value button

  2. Type the value name and click Create

  3. Repeat these steps until all values have been added.
Once the custom fields have been set up, they will be available in the issue menu when creating and reviewing issues. The list fields can also be used when filtering specific issues.

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