Create fast, light-weight and effective viewpoints

Create fast, light-weight and effective viewpoints

By 'effective' viewpoints, we mean understandable for others as well as workable in the BIMcollab ecosystem and BCF-communication.

Let’s start with effective BCF-communication and establish some basics. The most important information in a viewpoint is:
  1. Snapshot image
  2. Camera position and projection
  3. Section planes (if any)
  4. List of IFC GUIDs of visible,selected and/or colored components
When a lot of components are related to the viewpoint, the list of IFC GUIDS will become longer proportionally. You will experience a dramatic slow-down of performance when synchronizing to BIMcollab Nexus when the list of IFC GUIDs becomes very long, while working with big projects. Imagine a model of an office tower with more than 200.000 components. If they were all saved to a single viewpoint, this one viewpoint would contain more than 30Mb of data. Imagine having 30 of those viewpoints: they add up to 1Gb of data!
It is therefore important to carefully consider how to create viewpoints, and so avoid this build-up of data.

Create light-weighted viewpoints

By default, the BCF Managers use the active view in the 3D window to store information in the viewpoint. To reduce the amount of data saved in a viewpoint, start by considering which elements need to be visible in the 3D view to make the issue understandable.
Hide elements that are not essential to the point of view, for example by model, zone or story. Only keep the important components in the active view to limit the size of the viewpoint.
Additionally the BCF Manager will warn you if you are about to link >10.000 components, to help you avoid creating viewpoints which are too heavy.
When creating slides in Solibri it can easily happen that you link a huge number of components to the viewpoint. If you notice a big slow-down in the communication between BIMcollab and Solibri, this is probably the cause.

Store only what’s needed

After editing the 3D view of your model, there might still be a lot of visible components. All components that are visible at the moment of creating the issue will still be visible in the snapshot and when zooming to the issue, but only the chosen components will be linked to the viewpoints and show up in the list of IFC GUIDs.
When creating a new issue the BCF manager allows you to choose which items will be stored in the viewpoint:
  1. Visible components
  2. Selected components
  3. None = Show whole model

Use section planes

When there are no components linked to a viewpoint (Components in viewpoint: None = shows whole model) it means that the whole model will be visible. Use this to your advantage by showing the whole model but cut parts away with section planes. Section planes only contain coordinates and thus don't take up a lot of data.

It’s all about communication

Take in mind that the snapshot is also part of the communication and that a zoom-to does not have to show exactly what is on the snapshot. Think about it this way: create a 3D view with many components visible where only a few problematic components are highlighted. It could be enough to just link the highlighted (selected) components to the viewpoint: the modeler will understand from the snapshot and your comment what is expected from him, and he can use the zoom-to to lookup the problematic components.

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