Use reports to create a project backup

Use reports to create a project backup

The best way to create a backup copy is to save the whole project including history to a PDF, XLS, or BCF report.
As a project leader, go to the Issues page of your project and set up a filter for the issues you want to export. Editors and Reviewers in the project also have the ability to create reports.
After filtering or selecting the desired issues, click the 'Report' button. The created report can be downloaded from the 'Reports' page.

When creating a report from the Issues page, a dialog window will appear which allows you to choose the type of report you want to create and give the file a name.
When choosing the PDF format, the active view on your screen is used (tile view or list view). Choose to include the issue history and change-logs to have all information.

When choosing the BCF format, you can choose the version of BCF you want to export. The most recent version is  BCF 2.1 which can be used to access the individual issues including the viewpoints.

When using only BCF files, the following data from BIMcollab is not supported:
  1. Area
  2. Custom fields
  3. Change log
  4. Visibility
  5. Smart Issues

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