Quick Start Guide BIMcollab Nexus

Quick Start Guide BIMcollab Nexus

BIMcollab Nexus serves as a central hub for collaboration among construction and design teams involved in BIM projects. This platform facilitates seamless teamwork by enabling the collaborative management of BIM data, intricate models, and project-specific information. Team members have the flexibility to contribute to BIM projects from any location and BIMcollab ensures smooth communication among stakeholders.

Within the BIMcollab Nexus platform, users can create and edit issues (BCF), view detailed models, define project specifications (IDS), and efficiently handle multiple projects, all within a user-friendly interface. Moreover, BIMcollab Nexus offers versatile connectivity, allowing users to access the Nexus from various modeling and model checking tools (Revit, Navisworks, Tekla, Autocad and more). Try some of these connections below: 

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the interface of BIMcollab Nexus platform, offering readers valuable insights into its features. For in-depth exploration, numerous links to detailed articles are provided, allowing users to look into specific functionalities.

BIMcollab Top ribbon

This Ribbon is always positioned on top of the BIMcollab webpage, offering convenient access to a range of general functionalities. 

1. Use this toggle to access your BIMcollab Twin account. The same toggle is available on the BIMcollab Twin account pages, providing a convenient way to return to your BIMcollab Nexus space.
BIMcollab Twin offers model-based document- and asset-management to store, manage and share building and infrastructure data. 

2. Home: This icon brings the user back to the home page which is the projects overview page.
3. Search bar: Depending on the page that is open, the search bar would allow the user to find the desired value. For instance, it searches for projects in the project overview page and it offers searching for users in the users overview page.
4. Administrator portal: This Gear icon is only visible to the space admins and it grants them access to crucial administrative functions. This top Ribbon turns from dark blue to red when one enters the administrator portal. 

5. Help: The question mark icon opens a world of resources. Users can start an introduction tour, explore the Help Center, and engage with BIMcollab Academy to enhance their understanding of BIMcollab best practices.

6. Avatar: The avatar icon serves as a visual representation of each user's account. Users can upload a picture to personalize their profile. The dropdown menu associated with the avatar provides access to "my account", "messages", "change password" and the "log out" button for ending the session. "My account" allows users to manage their personal information and the "messages" page displays occasional notifications from BIMcollab, informing users about updates or downtimes, ensuring they are well-informed about the platform's status.

Projects overview

Users with project creation rights can make unlimited projects in a private BIMcollab space. In the project overview, members can view the projects they're in. To see all projects in the space, administrators should go to the administrator portal.
1. A user can create a new project.
2. Once created, they can access each project individually.
3. Alternatively, users can directly navigate to the "Issues" overview page.
4. Any project can be deactivated, and users have the option to hide or unhide these inactive projects from the overview.
5. Users can choose from three view modes: Show graphs, show title view, or show list view, allowing them to customize their project overview display based on their needs.

Working on a project

When users click on a project, they are directed to the project's page. Here, they can access:

1. Dashboard: An overview of the project's key metrics, activities, and progress. Additionally, the "show all activities" button (8) in the dashboard tab redirects users to another page, allowing filtering and searching through comprehensive lists of activities, including comments and change logs.
2. Issues: A comprehensive view of all project-related issues and their statuses. When there are large number of issues, the list can be filtered to show the desired selection. Once Nexus is connected to other BCF managers and integrations the same list of issues would be accessible and synchronized on your modeling or checking tool. 
3. Model: The place to inspect and explore project models using BIMcollab Model WebViewer. Integration options with Autodesk Docs and Trimble Connect are also available for model viewing.
4. Lists: Access to lists created in BIMcollab Zoom.
5. Checking: The area for viewing and creating checking resources, facilitating quality control processes. IDS specifications can be created on BIMcollab Nexus and the other shared resources can be viewed in this tab. These checking resources can be used in BIMcollab Zoom to check models on various aspects.  
6. Reports: Access and download detailed reports generated for the project.
7. Settings: The page to configure and modify project-specific settings according to user requirements.

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