Basics of making smart views

Basics of making smart views

Smart views are rule based filtering and colouring of objects. Based on properties you can show, hide, or colour components in the 3D window. It is great for visually checking against an IDM.
The smart views are a functionality of Zoom Free.

Creating a new smart view

  1. Start BIMcollab Zoom
  2. Select the Smart views panel
  3. Connect to a project on BIMcollab Nexus or load a set of models manually
  4. Expand 'Local' or 'Shared' and select a smart view set in which you want to create the new smart view
    If necessary, you can create a new smart view set by clicking the [+] button, or by right clicking on 'Local' or 'Shared' and choosing 'Add smart view set'. The new set will be automatically selected once created

  5. Click the [+] button again to create a new smart view in the selected smart view set


    You can share smart views with your team by dragging and dropping smart views from 'Local' to 'Shared', or by immediately creating it in 'Shared'.
    When you want to create a smart view in 'Shared', make sure you are connected to the correct space and project, and that you have Zoom editing rights in the project. A Zoom license is also required to share, import or export Smart Views in BIMcollab Zoom.
  6. Give your smart view a clear and unique name
  7. Define a set of rules to define which elements will be shown and colored by the smart view. Add rules by clicking on the button, delete existing rules with the button, or duplicate existing rules by clicking on the button.
    By default, the first line adds all elements in the project to the 3D view.
    Each rule exists of:

    1. An Element type you want to add to filter (e.g. walls, doors, columns)
    2. A Property, Operator and Value to be used to filter out elements with a specific property value
    3. An action which defines whether the elements found should be added or removed from the set, and if they should get an override

  8. Test the set by clicking on the play button to show the selected set
  9. Provide the smart view with a clear description so its purpose is easily identifiable.
  10. If you have chosen the action 'Auto color' in the set of rules, you can also define an Auto color property listing (functionality under license)
    An additional numeric property is added to the autocolor legend when the smart view is executed. Choose the property to be listed as well as the desired value

  11. Click on 'Save'
  12. Once the smart view has been created, you can execute the smart view
    1. By double clicking on it, the filter and coloring will be carried out on the model in the 3D view
    2. Right-click to show for components in My view

The different actions

When creating a set of components to be shown by the smart view, you can perform multiple actions on the chosen components:
  1. Add
    The components are added to the 3D view.
    Make sure the first rule of the smart view always contains an 'Add' action, otherwise the view will be empty.
  2. Remove
    The components are removed from the previously added set of components
  3. Remove others
    All components, except for those with the chosen property, are removed from the 3D view
  4. Set colored
    The chosen components get the chosen color override
  5. Set transparent
    The chosen components are set transparent
  6. Set opaque
    The chosen components are set opaque
  7. Add & set colored
    Combines the Add and set colored actions into one rule
  8. Add & set transparent
    Combines the Add and set transparent actions into one rule
  9. And...
    Add multiple properties for the same elements. Only elements which meet all properties in the sequence will be added
  10. Auto color
    Color code all the chosen components based on the indicated property. All components with the same unique value for the chosen property will get the same color
    The colors with the corresponding values will be shown in the auto color legend after executing the smart view
Discover the possibilities of the smart views by downloading our example smart view sets from our website.


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