Audit tasks

Audit tasks

Audit tasks are part of an audit round scheduled by a Workflow process. An audit round applies to a specific document version and can contain several audit tasks. An audit task can be assigned to multiple users, but one user will be assigned as the main responsible for this task. When a new audit task is added, it's status is Open.
Depending on the deadline and whether a task has been completed by the responsible user, the task is assigned one of the statuses below:

      1. Open: task is open and has not yet been checked.
      2. Urgent: the deadline of the check round has passed. Outcome of the check round can no longer be influenced. As long as the next step in the       workflow has not yet been completed, another comment can be added.
      3. Audited: audit task has been completed with or without comments.
      4. Checked (too late): audit task was handled while it was urgent. The result is thus not included in the assessment of whether there were any comments       or not within the whole audit round. But any comments can be posted on BIMcollab Twin.
      5. Checked (while cancelled): tasks that have been cancelled can still be handled, but since the workflow has been cancelled it no longer has any effect.
      6. Not checked: a task that has not been checked before the next step in the workflow was completed.
      7. Cancelled: when a new document version is placed, the currently active workflow and all tasks are cancelled.


When audit tasks are open within a project, they become visible in the dashboard.

      1. Open: all open and urgent audit tasks.
      2. Urgent: all audit tasks whose deadline has passed.
      3. Completed: completed audit tasks.
      4. Responsible: open or urgent audit tasks for which you are primarily responsible.
      5. Owner: open or urgent check tasks on documents that your company is the author of.

Clicking on one of these statuses opens the overview of audit tasks in the communication module, with the corresponding filters applied.

Handling audit tasks

An open audit task can only be handled by the responsible user or his colleagues from the same company using one of the two options:
      1. No comments
      2. With comments
In the overview of audit tasks (1), those responsible see the button I have no comments (2), which allows a task to be handled immediately without comments. The detail page of a audit task can be accessed via the number (3) of the audit task.

On the detail page of an audit task, the I have comments (1) button is also available where you can also place a file with comments. After choosing a file (2), the task is completed with comments by choosing upload (3).

Handling multiple audit tasks

From the audit tasks overview, you can also download the documents that are to be checked. Choose the filter I am responsible (1) or my company is responsible to filter only the appropriate tasks. Select (2) all or only the relevant audit tasks and then download (3). A .zip file is generated containing all the downloaded documents.

The documents have a special file name containing a unique code, so the file name should not be changed. This code allows BIMcollab Twin to associate this file with the checking task that are assigned to it. Open the files and add any comments to the document. Next, the same files, with the special code in the file name, can be uploaded using the Place controlled documents button (4). The next screen confirms which control tasks have been completed. 

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