Approve documents

Approve documents

In BIMcollab Twin, document approval is part of the Realization process. Documents can be approved (listed in the Approved documents folder) in one of two ways depending on whether or not the document is part of a workflow:
  1. If not part of a workflow: This can be done manually from the Document Details page
  2. If it is part of a workflow: Approval happens based on the outcome of a Review task

It is necessary to have the permissions to view the Approved documents category. If you do not see this in your project, contact your administrator to adjust your User Roles permissions.

Approve a Document Manually

To be able to manually approve documents, users need to be in a user role with appropriate permissions, including the permission to "Manually approve documents".
Document versions can be approved at any point using the [Approve] button on the document details page.
  1. Go to the documents module
  2. Select the document number you would like to approve
  3. Click on the [Approve] button located in the action bar
  4. A window will appear asking if you would like to publish the latest version of the document. Click on "Yes, publish".

  5. The document is now visible in the Approved documents list.
Once a document version has been approved, the Approve document button will be greyed out. Only once a new document version has been uploaded, then this button will become available again.
The information about the approval, including the person who approved it, is logged in the Events tab of the document details page.

Approve a Document through a Review

If a document is part of a Workflow, documents can also be approved through the completion of Review Tasks. When the administrator creates a Review action, there is an optional Realization checkbox. If this is selected, the documents that are associated with the review task will appear in the different document realization categories as they move through the review process. The outcome of the review - Approved or Rejected - not only determines the subsequent step in the workflow, but also determines the realization status the document will receive, and on which category list it will show up.

With this option, documents can only be approved by the responsible person of the Review Task. The completion of this will also be attached to a deadline as determined in the workflow.
For more information on how regular users can view the details of workflows that are created for a project as well as their associated documents, refer to this article: View active workflows as a user
  1. An action is triggered in a workflow that requires a document Review Task to begin and the responsible persons are assigned to this.
  2. The documents that are still yet to be reviewed will first appear in the Documents for Approval category
  3. A responsible person will then complete the review task by selecting the [Approve] button for the relevant Review task
  4. The document will then move from the Documents for Approval category to the Approved Documents category
When a new document version is uploaded, another Review task will be triggered based on the workflow. This means the review process for this document will start again, and the responsible person will be required to complete the Review task before the document appears in the Approved documents category again.
For more information on how to handle Review Tasks, refer to this article: Review tasks
It is only possible to use one of the above methods to approve a document. If a document enters a workflow with a Review Task, the manual approval button will automatically become unavailable (greyed out).

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